We all know that selecting a meaningful domain name is one of the single most important decisions that you will make concerning your online marketing. It is true that domain names are sold in their thousands daily world wide, some selling beyond expectations. In many cases, small business operators are left behind and this is where bartering can be used to its full advantage.
Australia has just recorded a record price for the domain name InvestmentProperty.com.au which sold for $125K + GST. A premium domain name could help to attract many new cash paying customers to your business. It’s highly unlikely that the owner of a premium domain name will want to trade a truck load of your product for his domain name. Using a trade exchange and making an offer to purchase the domain in trade dollars may provide the owner with a choice of products and services more suited to individual needs and preference.
Bartering for a domain name using a trade exchange will allow the domain owner to achieve a maximum price together with the added protection some trade exchanges have to offer. The ability for the purchaser to purchase the domain name using trade dollars will allow the purchaser to effectively pay off the premium domain name by providing products or services via trade exchange customers.